Ton Alcantara

Web Developer
Ton Alcantara

My name is Ton and my role at GoSearch is Senior Web Developer which means my days generally include research, development, managing and maintaining websites.

What’s your morning ritual to set you up for a productive day?

First thing I do in the morning is to hydrate with warm water. After that, I stretch and meditate for a few minutes then take a cold shower. I then brew a coffee while I review what I planned for the day..

Your favourite thing about your job is…

The people and brand that I collaborate with. I really enjoy brainstorming and sharing creative ideas with colleagues and clients. The constant learning with new technology and trends excites me. And being able to meet and exceed client expectations is self fulfilling.

Where do you want to be in five years?

I see myself active in the marketing and advertising industry. On top of my game, guiding the young and new blood on identifying trends and new technology while sharing my experiences.

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a killer week at work?

Traveling and going out with family and friends. Spending time doing woodworking projects which is very therapeutic for me.

How did you get to where you are now at GOSEARCH?

I started my career in information technology as an antivirus engineer where I honed my skill in automation and web development. After that, I transitioned to advertising where I got my exposure to different brands and accounts which gave me a lot of experience in marketing and advertising. This is where I learned to integrate my technical knowledge with consumer behavior giving me the edge in web development and digital solutions.


2407 Cityland 10 Tower 2 H.V. Dela Costa Street Makati, 1227 Manila, Philippines



+63 917 891 9202

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