Last minute Black Friday campaigns for your store

By Katreena Pevec

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The shopping season is now upon us with Black Friday and Cyber Monday finally kicking off. As consumers we convince ourselves that our Black Friday splurge is in fact Christmas shopping for friends and family when in actuality, 90% of purchases are for me, myself and I. It’s a different story for retailers though with spending expected to increase 47% this year, making competition for online and brick-and-mortar stores tough with store vying for retailer attention. While some outlets have begun their Black Friday sales early with a Black Friday week, it still isn’t too late to make some last minute adjustments to your online campaign. So, with only a few moments to spare what are your Black Friday options?


Starting an SEO campaign for Black Friday at this stage would be entirely wasteful and pointless as most SEO campaigns are built over weeks and months. However, you could start an AdWords campaign that charges by CPC using keywords such as cheap, sale, black Friday, discount or any other variations.


If your brand has not advertised your sales on social media that get cracking! Many users are actively looking for Black Friday sales so post on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to notify your audience of what discounts are available to them and for what period.


Direct traffic to your site with refreshed content or additional blog posts which can then be shared by social media platforms. Content relating to sales or even a shopping/gift guide are all useful to consumers that are looking for what kind of presents to buy for others. Black Friday is upon so ready, set, GO!


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