The SEO flavours of the month

By Katreena Pevec

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It is no secret that SEO is one of those industries that will never stop changing and no matter how hard you try to keep up; there is always something new around the corner. With continual Google updates, changing patterns of digital behaviours and new technology, it can be impossible to keep track of it all. One of the easiest ways to focus on learning new SEO skills and trends is to focus on some major developments rather than getting tangled in every minute development that occurs. We’ve rounded up some of the biggest emerging changes that are coming to SEO this year, check them out below.

SEO and content convergence

SEO and internal content (blogging) need to be used simultaneously in order to provide users with useful and relevant information that is based on data for an improved user experience. Social media also comes into play here because by making your business more active on social media platform, it boosts your visibility beyond SEO.

Prioritise mobile

Mobile searches are becoming increasingly common amongst users even exceeding desktop searches in 2016. To make the most of this emerging trend, ensure that your mobile sites are user-friendly and mobile-friendly. That means, AMP pages, easy to use format and short bursts of content.

Voice searches are on their way

With the popularity of personal assistants growing, so are the number of voice searches. While voice search is nowhere close to exceeding text search it is still an important emerging trend to adapt to for greater SEO potential. The best way to adapt your SEO strategy is to consider the way voice queries are said and to tailor your content to answer those questions. While there are probably a few dozen new SEO trends and developments that are occurring as we speak, it’s better to master a few than haphazardly attempt them all. Happy SEOing!


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