WhatsApp answers your Prayers

By Joseph Dawber

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It seems as though dreams do come true. No, it isn’t winning the lottery, but it’s very, VERY close. WhatsApp has announced that they are in the midst of testing and developing a feature that can retract messages sent by accident. That’s right! That drunken text you accidentally sent your boss or the screenshots that were delivered to the wrong person can now be taken back. No official statement has been released explaining how this new development will work or when it will be released but a screenshot of the testing process has surfaced. From what can be understood from the small teaser that we have been gifted is that messages can be revoked if they have been sent. However, once they are have been delivered or read, the ship has already sailed and your chances at saving yourself are gone. Could this news from WhatsApp indicate a shift in messenger format? In a perfect world this ‘revoke’ action would be a permanent addition to any messenger platform but it is too soon to make assumptions. We shouldn’t get our hopes up just yet though because this wonderful feature may never be officially implemented into the messenger service but it is something to look forward to in 2017.


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