It's not you Yahoo, it's me

After three years of going steady Mozilla and Yahoo have now called it quits, Mozilla announced the breakup earlier this week in a press release with the introduction of the new Firefox Quantum.

Meet Poly – Google’s sister

Google is launching a free, new platform for all your 3D needs named Poly. A fun and playful branch of Google, Poly’s homepage features a bright pink 3D geometric shape surrounded by an underwater 3D treasure trove with tagline – “explore the world of 3D’”.

Google announced new AMP features

For the past few months Google has been emphasising the importance of mobile-friendly websites and mobile commerce with their newly introduced AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), which load 4x faster than regular pages and are rumoured to improved SEO rankings.

How to… a story by Google

here probably isn’t a single person that hasn’t typed in “How to…” into their Google search engine at point or another.

Dislike of pop-ups is universal Google confirms  

There probably isn’t a single person on the Internet that isn’t bothered by a pop-up ad. The spectrum of pop-up dislike ranges from a mild annoyance to violent laptop throwing and screaming and while this isn’t a scientific measure it’s incredibly accurate.

Post it with Google

Google post, a feature that was recently introduced in late 2016 is now officially available to all small businesses within select countries. For those that are not in America or Brazil where it is available, Google Post is a feature that allows users to create content directly on Google resulting in high search result rankings.

The battle over extremist content

With the wave of concerning extremism from all ends of the spectrum surfacing on the Internet and eventually the real world it only makes sense that a digital giant such as a Google does their part to nip online extremism in the bud in Europe.

Google’s mobile confusion

With mobile usage increasing, it is becoming more and more important to improve and develop mobile sites. This move is not only for user experience such as AMP but also for improved SEO. Despite Google’s announcement of a mobile first index to be launched in 2017 a combination of delays, trials and complication have pushed the roll out date back to 2018.

It’s not who you know, it’s where you are  

Have you ever noticed that whenever you search a product or service on Google the top results aren’t always first? Yeah, you guessed it Google is stalking you. Well, at least staying aware of your location in order to provide the best geographical match to your search query.

5 steps to a killer SEO strategy

Getting started on SEO can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have never done it before. There is a whole new world of technical terms, guidelines, penalties and thousands of online resources.